How to Follow Up After Networking Events: “Yeah, it was so nice to meet you; let’s connect soon!”. How often have you had this conversation with any associate at a business party or, more precisely, a networking event? Many times, right?
There might have been exchanging of business cards and email addresses eager to build business relationships and frame new ideas. But how many times how have those conversations materialized? How often have those business cards become more than just the cards that are stocking up in your bag or filling up your drawers? How many times have those email addresses become the correct addresses for new associations before they vanished into the oblivion of your too many email addresses that never were? If you are reading this right here, we assume many times, and now there is a navigation you need to find a way out of all the conversations and networking events that should have been done but never took place because you did not know how!
The business cards, email addresses exchanged, and the invested conversations molded out of networking events are said to perish and become old news and often only converter into something tangible if it is acted upon. So, before we jump into the five points that help you convert the business cards into an actual building conversation rather than just an account of ruins, remember how to follow up after every networking event is the best tool to develop your initial interaction. The clock already starts ticking when you say “Hello.”
That brings us to our first step, start within 24 hours of your conversation with the respective person. Here are the five points of how to follow up after networking events:
1- Drop a mail.

Initially, if you see a scope of professional relationship blooming with the respective person you met at the networking event, do not hesitate to ask for an email address that eventually also does not cross the line between professional and personal. It is essential to ask for contact because the answer is always no if you do not ask. Jot it down on a paper, tissue, or cell phone that you always keep handy. Now what to write in the mail?
It does not have to be all the things you have learned and can contribute. The mail is not your cover letter. Simply reflect on the conversation you had and start it with a kind greeting highlighting how nice it was for you to meet them and mention something from the discussion that reflects that you were listening, not just hearing. The mail should be open-ended. Only then can the conversation develop its course.
2- LinkedIn is the link.

LinkedIn has all the great to remain connected. It is not just about remembering the people you want to work with when you talk about your ideas but remembering them in the times that make their presence special. Wishing them their birthdays or anniversaries is a kind act. So, make space in your email ids to receive pop up of their special days and wish them.
3- Files that reconnect.

Now that you have set up and scheduled a follow-up meeting, ensure that the memories and notes of the previous encounter do not fade. Create “reconnect files” with elements that can help you highlight the previous conversations and messages. Include how you met and how the conversations have progressed till now with unique color codes to document your interaction more attractively.
4- Be clever, subtle, and significant
So people you already know are significant, but when we say clever, subtle, and significant, you have to remember all these attributes to remain in touch with people you are looking to build a professional relationship with. Remember small details like birthdays, anniversaries, and everyday interests, and share articles that fascinate them and could lead to a discussion. And how do you do it? Well, go the LinkedIn way.
5- Give first and expect less.

You jump into a conversation to expect something tangible out of it. But that’s not how the roots of a network are laid down. You first give it all it requires to spread, then expect it to bloom. Be present in conversations. Understand if you can find an opportunity to take the lead, and expect less or nothing in return. Initially, you will experience growth in your reputation in a positive way. Offer your help, and people will want to help you in return.
And people, if you have made it till here. What are you waiting for? Go filter out your emails waiting for your new networks to start, and you might as well bloom.
If this works for you, then at Onfyx we offer many more such advice and ways for a happening company growth. Seek and ask away all your curiosity to Onfyx, and we will resolve queries with all the right answers.
Remember the answer is always NO if you do not ask.